Know 9 Foundational Movements In CrossFit

CrossFit, a high-intensity fitness program, is renowned for its emphasis on functional movements that are essential for everyday activities. These movements also known as the foundational movements form the core of CrossFit training, providing a comprehensive approach to building strength, flexibility and agility. Let’s delve into the nine foundational movements that are the building blocks of CrossFit training.

Air Squat

The air squat is a fundamental lower body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. It involves squatting down with your body weight, keeping your chest up and heels on the ground. Mastering the air squat is crucial for proper form in more advanced movements.

Front Squat

The front squat is a variation of the air squat where the barbell is placed in front of the body, challenging the core and upper body in addition to the legs. It enhances your ability to lift heavy objects safely by strengthening the entire lower body and core muscles.

Overhead Squat

The overhead squat is an advanced squat variation where the barbell is held overhead. This movement demands balance, flexibility and core strength, making it a powerful exercise for athletes looking to improve their overall stability and mobility.

Shoulder Press

The shoulder press focuses on strengthening the shoulder muscles. In this movement, you press the weight overhead from shoulder height. It’s essential for building upper body strength, particularly in the shoulders, triceps and upper back muscles.

Push Press

The push press combines the strength of the lower body with the power of the upper body. It involves a dip and drive motion from the legs, generating momentum to press the barbell overhead. This movement helps improve explosive power and coordination.

Push Jerk

The push jerk starts off exactly like the push press. It involves a dip and drive motion from the legs to generate momentum on the barbell and allow the athlete to drop under the barbell rather than lifting the barbell. It is a more efficient way of putting a weight overhead.


The deadlift is a fundamental movement that targets the posterior chain, including the lower back, glutes and hamstrings. It involves lifting a loaded barbell from the ground to a standing position. Deadlifts are excellent for developing overall strength and promoting proper lifting mechanics.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull

The sumo deadlift high pull is a dynamic movement that combines elements of the deadlift and an upright row. It engages the entire body, focusing on the legs, hips and upper back. This exercise enhances power and coordination, making it valuable for athletes aiming to improve their athletic performance.

Medicine Ball Clean

The medicine ball clean is a full-body movement that incorporates a medicine ball. It combines a squat, pull and press motion, requiring coordination and explosiveness. This exercise is excellent for developing power, speed and functional fitness.

Final Words

In conclusion, CrossFit’s emphasis on these foundational movements demonstrates the program’s focus on building well-rounded athletes capable of handling diverse physical challenges. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced athlete, integrating these movements into your training regimen can elevate your fitness to new heights.

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